
The Acucall participates in the Ecomuseu project


Last Wednesday, 31st October, at the rectorate hall of the Vic University, the ACUCALL signed an agreement with the UVic, the Taradell town council and the Tonis de Taradell commission, in order to join hands to create the Ecomuseum of Wheat. This project wants to recover and divulge Osona rural heritage.

During the meeting, Josep Casasses, a Tonis de Taradell member, said that from now on, it would be fundamental to guarantee the social and financial viability of the project. He also explained that the main objective of the project would be to build an interpretive centre, considering 3 important lines of work: the research on the topic; the developement of an education project including teaching stages; and the economic and commercial activity related to the tourism.

Josep Pressegué, the Tonis de Taradell president, insisted on the fact that the project is the result of the efforts and work carried out by the Tonis de Taradell association for the last years.

The meeting was also attended by some town councillors (CiU Jordi Baucells, ERC Salvador Clot and SI Jacint Casadevall), several members of different UVic research groups, as well as by the representatives for other institutions involved in the project, such as the Taradell Wheat Museum, the Calldetenes Calvaria watermill, the Tona Museum of Bread and El Camp de les Lloses interpretive centre.

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Pilar Camañes - 11/12/2012
Felicitats per una altra bona iniciativa. Diversificar-se i participar en projectes transversals sempre porta bons resultats, i en aquest cas l’ecomuseu del blat pot permetre investigar com devia ser la vida al camp en època romana, així com quines veritats de conreus (cereals, lleguminoses o fruites) deurien consumir els habitants del Camp de les Lloses. Enhorabona!
acuCALL - 11/12/2012
Moltes gràcies Pilar, des del Camp de les Lloses com des de l’associació procurem no perdre la oportunitat de participar en iniciatives del territori que puguin repercutir positivament al jaciment. Pensa que en aquest cas és important de cara a les investigacions que es desenvolupen al centre, però també a l’hora de poder explicar a les escoles o a les famílies que ens visiten, més coses sobre el dia a dia de les persones que van viure al centre logístic que era el jaciment del Camp de les Lloses.

historical activities
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